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  • Wozzeck | Casualty

    Even the toneless whisper finds its cradle, its home,
  • Hostile Takeover

    Cheeks puffed, she’s looking up at a horizontal
  • Human Condition

    The human condition isn’t some grinning
  • Carpe Diem

    You won't live
  • What We Do with What We Are

    I did not get better.
  • The World Provides

    Someone somewhere must always be
  • Unbeckoning Glass and Time Faking Surprises

    This color is exhaled smoke from a bummed cigarette, a stray cloud for the sky.
  • Charcuterie

    She penciled fanciful animals
  • It Was A 3.8

    My mother said go get me a plum.
  • While Another Dove Nude into the Breakers

    One talked with a talisman
  • Here at the Scene

    How will I tell her particular tale
  • Holy Day

    A holy day