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  • Which Makes Me, I Guess, the Muddy Colorado

    What we learn from most pornography is

    Warms thieves.
  • Vesper

    The sky is blue for reasons other than atmospheric ones.
  • February Elegy with Tulips on a Glass Table

    It’s the yellow dust inside the tulips.
  • Vega

    On my bed in late afternoon I am listening
  • Notes on a 39-Year-Old Body

    Most internal organs jiggle and glow and are rosy
  • Two Stories and a Poem

    Do you have a canned ham?
  • Into the Flame

    And you lay for decades counting sheep

    My daughter sings in snow falling through the scent of red oak or ash, some of the flakes large enough to contain passages from Emily Dickinson’s letters. 
  • Morning, Redux | Drift Road

    Another morning in the obscure,
  • Bird of Paradise

    The songs of the mariachi in the park
  • A Pittsburgh Bakery in Winter

    Into Prantl’s, on Walnut Street,