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  • Rats

    Sudden underfoot, this one cries back
  • The Conscious Fruit Fly

    This means fruit fly the scholar.
  • How Sad

    Their kisses were bitterly thin,
  • A Few Estrogen Stories to Help Balance the Scales | Beasts of Burden

    Imagine half a million Vietnamese up to their heinies slogging rice paddies for a year, and you have the salary of the
  • Poems from Ukraine translated by Dzvinia Orlowsky and Chard deNiord

    If it was a wedding instead of war,
  • Lamentations

    America    more guns    more    than us
  • Husband-Watching Height

    That’s my fear, turning to stone.
  • Archaeologists

    Archaeologists found
  • The Old Thoughts

    Immersed, called forth—
  • Oracle, Mallarmé & Stone

    A broken rib could be the sign
  • from The Violet Blood of the Amethyst

    An exceptionally unhappy heart.
  • Self-Portrait to Be Used in Meditation | 22 | Chesty Morgan and Her Crazy-Ass Titties

    I have a live owl in my mouth instead of words;