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  • Two poems by Jan Wagner translated from German by David Keplinger 

    when you are digging in the wardrobe
  • Mouth & Nomadic Reverie

    Molar: a grinding tooth at the back of a mammal’s mouth.
  • Notes on an Illness in Spain & the grist of gratitude is like ingratitude

    The sinuous ripple of a well-broken in fan, a soft hand
  • Glare

    It just goes so fast,

    Having just arrived, we are walked down a moonless
  • Bathroom Mirror

    Often, when dazzled by sunlight,
  • Uncle

    Here is the man who tells you

    Once through an ancient stage door, past a sign
  • Natural History of the Soul

    The song thrush hops, runs, stands,
  • Spectacle | Dear Bathtub | Freeway

    Your eyewear and my eyewear,
  • Beautiful Worry

    this wan light, spaghetti-thin, uneases

    All day he waited, then