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  • A Meeting

    Of all the disappointments
  • Cache

    Here lies a hectic site, la Cité
  • Three Poems from “Where Are the Trees Going”

    Inhabited uninhabited house subject to the air’s structure
  • Ant Story

    Each ant was given a different part of the message to carry.
  • The Water Returns

    The water returns. The pools teem with newborn fish.
  • Insomnia

    It is a stain that feeds on moons
  • The Poets

    They are farmers, really--
  • Mangos | Talking Animals | Bringing Things Back From the Woods

    We did not have mango trees back home on the prairies.  The climate and soil conditions were not conducive to that
  • Kneeling in a Pile of Leaves

    Kneeling in a pile of leaves
  • A Bookstore in Hay-on-Wye

    In a Tudor castle now a vast used bookstore in Hay-on-Wye
  • Ancestors

    Farther back than my grandmother
  • Two Stories and a Poem

    Do you have a canned ham?