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  • Bartosz Konstrat translated from Polish by Dawid Mobolaji

    Suddenly: bam! The little boys rise from their knees, their teeth grow and begin to bite.
  • Christmas Lights

    I have watched how
  • Mass on the Beach

    I’m trying not to wonder if the priest
  • Sky Grief

    Arizona and the Black Canyon
  • Eclipse

    November’s moon is in eclipse—
  • Slowly But Not Too Much and When Your Lover Leaves You

    as if making your way through an alphabet
  • White Gauze Curtains

    in them we see
  • Waiting for Someone

    Dark gray suit, dark green tie, dark
  • Fairy Tale

    Would that squat toad, before my eyes,
  • The Bahá’í School

    It stood at the top of a steep hill that sloped all the way down to the Pisquataqua River, which even then I knew was tidal.
  • Exodus and At the Wilderness

    There is a certain safety from predator and love
  • Hungarian Lesson and Snow Rapture

    In Hungary, you know something like the palm of your hand,