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  • Moment of Truth

    A matador imagines he has
  • mother of stains

    a mother made of three buttons from three different sweaters
  • A Brief Portfolio

    A murder of crows wing black vectors across
  • Whose Sky, Between | Rape of America. So, it appears

    A name that meant sound of an owl’s hard fall, another day of blood gunned to al
  • Midsummer Paralysis

    A nerve was severed in my jaw—I remember numbness.
  • Four Poems

    A New Age friend called to say she was visualizing me bathed in a rose-colored, healing light.
  • Nail tr. by Anita Gopalan

    A piece of heart that doesn’t pain on breaking
  • Found placed against her upper right arm

    A pin unpinned,
  • Labyrinth (Lear)

    A poorly timed abdication. A madness
  • Dear Lucinda Williams and Dear Jules

    A power in proximity to terror, the lower middle-class sublime of a car’s back seat,
  • Qinghai and Tengchong

    a prayer flag rolls around a heap of round stones
  • The Stranger

    A quick call