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  • Self-Portrait to Be Used in Meditation | 22 | Chesty Morgan and Her Crazy-Ass Titties

    I have a live owl in my mouth instead of words;
  • On Beauty and To the Phaistos Disc

    I have a tree outside my house. I don’t know what kind—in spring, it blooms, gorgeous.
  • Two Poems translated from Spanish by Diana Conchado

    I have always liked bell towers
  • Perspective and Day Sex Ode

    I have often confused the expression center of gravity, first
  • the primate hospital

    I have raptured the oars.
  • Embraced

    I have visited an ancient redwood and heard it creak
  • Christmas Lights

    I have watched how
  • Bed

    I haven’t got a fingernail or bed
  • Maria’s Yellow Coat

    I haven’t had
  • Rubbish Heap translated by Sasha Dugdale

    I haven’t the strength to sing of you, resplendent rubbish heap!
  • I hitchhiked through Harrisburg once: night and some light dislocating, | A self beyond herself singed by the stars, fundamentally | Not the violent deaths that follow you around [if you were black] but the slow

    I hitchhiked through Harrisburg once: night and some light dislocating,
  • Three poems from The Abduction by Maram Al-Masri, translated from French by Hélène Cardona

    I hugged him