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  • What Santa Asked When Lord Russell Argued that “Santa Claus” was a Definite Description and not a Referring Expression

    I tell my students to heed four things and they will be fine.
  • What They Told Me At The Boy’s Club In Gainesville

    Right over there, in the public library, that's where Rahul got shot--
  • What We Do with What We Are

    I did not get better.
  • What We Work At | Look to the Side

    What we work at
  • What You Can’t Fix

    She was always fixing me, stuffing filler in my holes
  • What, Me?

    When we’re in a car together I worry we’ll die and the world will lose its role models.
  • What’s Real? | Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?

    This question didn’t much interest me
  • Whatever Alights

    A zillion yeses to the titmice at my feeder,

    Everyone here has so many faces,
  • when it is time

    you pass that bridge
  • When My Son Is Dead 14 Years

    These are the years I bargain with God.
  • When We Make Lifelines, the Universe Breathes a Little Easier

    When night becomes heavy, I break a hole