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  • A Brief Portfolio

    Our first time at the Sistine Chapel, prior to the restoration, the colors were dulled,
  • A Brief Portfolio

    I meant to be talking of the huge cargo ship
  • A Brief Portfolio

    What goes with you, cured meats,
  • A Brief Portfolio

    A murder of crows wing black vectors across
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Both before and after our marriage,
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Faces pass by like unheard explanations
  • A Brief Portfolio

    I don’t know what the crows were arguing over
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Autumn again, and I side with Szymborska
  • A Brief Portfolio

    “Oh, darling in the distance
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Midlife, midsummer, and an infatuation
  • A Brief Portfolio of Selected Poems by Yves Bonnefoy translated by Hoyt Rogers

    I admire the definition of poetry in Beasts, Men, and Gods, the inexhaustible book by Ossendowski.
  • A Brief Portfolio of Six Poems

    The pond flattered the foliage,