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  • In a Valley & Theorems of Reason

    Hello to the theorems of reason, hidden
  • In a Room with Many Windows

    In a room with many windows
  • In a Pile of Pictures

    The man—young enough to be my son—
  • In a Field, at Sunset

    When he asked if I still loved him, I didn’t answer
  • Impressionist

    Once it was declared awful because it was brilliant
  • Imperial Crimson

    There is no way I can write ‘producing meanings’ as my job in the CV,
  • Imagined Corners

    At the corner where the transept cuts the nave,
  • Imaginary Conversation | In the Orchard

    You tell me to live each day
  • If He Had Missed It Would Have Killed Him

    my uncle said of the dog pa shot
  • Idea for a Screenplay *

    A man sits on his porch and reads aloud to the yard, to some plants and to some birds, his feelings of paranoia, anger
  • I’ve Lived Long with the Dead | The Word Stays Here

    I’ve lived long with the dead. I know their
  • I’m Going to Bed When You Go to Bed

    Let someone else learn the borders of every country’s will,