
Sort By: Date Title First Line Random Index


    The Date Line lies motionless between Samoa and Tonga, but the Midnight Line glides across the ocean and islands and rooftops of huts.
  • For D, reading poems

    When I was a kid, only a flu could buy me
  • For a Theophoric Figure

    Strange how first things dawn on us
  • Football & the English Language

    My first year as high school coach, five points
  • Food of Love & Thing-in-Itself

    If the vamp and rub of planets,
  • FOLDED WING | Pig, a sequel | Ode to Solitude

    The wrist and the leg are the test: flexible,
  • Fold

    I pet my pet, I fear my fear, I torment my torment, I wear my wear, I tear my tear, I
  • Fogetting Names

    Inevitable, and not
  • Focus

    The point at which
  • Flowers in a Vase

    The dahlias' unopened buds poke like periscopes above their clownish mass
  • Flour, Eggs, Milk, Baking Powder, Salt and God

    O Best Beloved, tell me, if you know, why—
  • Florida

    The prettiest state,