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  • From The Little Book of Passage

    Ecco il fiume che mi allarga lo sguardo, che mi attraversa la fronte.
  • The Unreturning, 2019

    Suddenly cops crushed black citizens, hurled
  • Vaccination, in the Broadest Sense of the Term, Crickets and Lucky Strike Lanes

    Just as the pharmacist drove the vaccine into my arm
  • A Brief Portfolio

    He’s nowhere now.
  • Dear Creature

    Because of what I did
  • BUD

    Five years of nothing. Then, one night she calls
  • A Controlled Substance

    My brother is late again, somehow the glass
  • The Movie My Murderer Makes

    My murderer sits in row F, seat 3, just behind my wife and me, in row E, seats 3 and 4.
  • It was never he, | One might say I’ve fulfilled the miserable obligation of constructing myself.

    It was never he,
  • Dawn Without Sun & Mist Gently Smothers Sight

    Dawn without sun
  • Sometimes,

    I’ll crumple the paper before beginning to write
  • To Manuel Bandeira | To Hilda Hilst | To Adélia Prado

    The girls are still   a d o r a b l e