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  • Eclipse

    November’s moon is in eclipse—
  • Separation

    Slumbering suburbs, calm depths of summer.
  • In the Vanguard

    It takes a few notes, a very few notes, to undo the bare bones of a person. Where formerly we were piecework in a
  • A Gaze Hound That Hunteth by the Eye

    It’s not criminal: it isn’t sodomy
  • Two Poems translated from the Arabic by Khaled Mattawa

    I told myself, why not
  • GIVING HER 100%

    There is a world where
  • Posthumous Cabin

    And got away to it, and left the work to others
  • Butchering the Ram | James Cameron Descends into Lake Baikal

    And while traveling the transcendental path of non-violence,
  • George Orwell Sucks

    How can a word evocative of so much pleasure,. both adult and infantile, find itself used – by almost everybody – in

    I can ask this, which is good
  • Romanian Lessons & The Country of Leaving

    Godmother country,
  • By the Numbers

    The number of times intuition told me I had dodge