Featured Selection

  • The Occult Power of bon mots, mots justes; Quantum Hopping with Angie Estes from Nancy Mitchell

    It’s this contemplation and attention which animates the occult power of language to conjure and fuse the past, and present and future...
    Issue #138 February 2023
  • Clarifying the Disorder of Catastrophe: In Conversation with Poet/Playwright Dan O’Brien by Amanda Newell

    My interview with poet and playwright Dan O'Brien took place over several months.
    Issue #137 January 2023
  • Moral Issues in Poetry: David Baker, Ellen Bass, Joshua Bennett, Jenny George, John Murillo, Catherine Pierce collected by Sally Bliumis-Dunn

    Moral Issues in Poetry: David Baker, Ellen Bass, Joshua Bennett, Jenny George, John Murillo, Catherine Pierce   I am often impressed by – though rarely completely sure of its nature and scope— poems that offer a window into the speaker’s sense of morality. In hopes of some measure of enlightenment, I invited six poets to offer one such poem of

    Issue #136 December 2022
  • In conversation with the world: Three poems & an interview with Vivek Narayanan, by Leeya Mehta

    In conversation with the world Three poems & an interview with Vivek Narayanan, by Leeya Mehta     “My theory is that political poems help us capture and hold these contradictions in a productive tension.  I believe the wildness of poetry is its greatest political asset.” – Vivek Narayanan     Vivek Naryayanan’s After is a collection of poems inspired

    Issue #135 November 2022
  • When The Poet is a Master of Multiple Arts: Michelle Whittaker and Aaron Caycedo-Kimura; Interviews with Frances Richey

    William Blake, Ellen Bryant Voigt, Dylan, Bishop, Joni Mitchell, PJ Harvey, Leonard Cohen, John Lennon, Tom Waits, the list of multi-talented artists is endless.
    Issue #134 October 2022
  • Joan Houlihan, interview and poems from “It Isn’t a Ghost if it Lives in Your Chest” with Ann van Buren

    This interview with Ann van Buren was conducted via Zoom and through e-mail, several months after the publication of It Isn’t a Ghost if it Lives in Your Chest (Four Way Books), winner of the Julia Ward Howe Award.   Ann van Buren: Joan, thank you for taking the time to talk about your work. I’ve been immersed in your

    Issue #133 September 2022
  • On Muse Found in a Colonized Body, lovemaking, and activism:  Interview with Yesenia Montilla by Mihaela Moscaliuc

    Yesenia Montilla is an Afro-Latina poet & a daughter of immigrants.
    Issue #132 August 2022
  • Contemporary Romanian Poets compiled by Radu Vancu

    Danny Lawless’s generous invitation for a Romanian presence in Plume placed in an awful embarras de choix: there is so much wonderful poetry written today in Romanian, that I am obviously unfair to many other superlative Romanian poets with this narrow selection. But then the reader is kindly asked to take this selection not as canon – but as a sample.

    Issue #131 July 2022

    For this feature, I solicited work from poets I admire that show this kind of psychological transformation and asked each writer to describe it as best they could.
    Issue #130 June 2022
  • A Travel Guide for the Exiled; An Interview with Zein El-Amine, by Leeya Mehta

    In April, we were lucky to spend time at the Annapolis Book Festival with Zein El-Amine. El-Amine grew up in Lebanon and now teaches and writes in Washington D.C., bringing his heart and words to our local literary community.
    Issue #129 May 2022
  • Resurrecting the Body of Beloved, which is the World in the Body of the Book; Transformation, Transcendence and Redemption and Interview with Gregory Orr by Nancy Mitchell

    Resurrecting the Body of Beloved, which is the World in the Body of the Book; Transformation, Transcendence and Redemption   NM: The eight poems you have been so kind to share with us will be part of Selected Books of the Beloved forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press. Can you talk to us about how the Books of the Beloved came into being?

    Issue #128 April 2022
  • D-Lev, Messenger by Nancy Mitchell

    We’re thrilled to talk with Dana Levin on the eve of the April 2022 debut of her amazing Now Do You Know Where You Are. Because Copper Canyon was kind enough to send me a hard copy galley to prepare for this feature, I had a sneak preview, and dear Readers, let me tell you, it’s a wonder, as you’ll

    Issue #127 March 2022