Featured Selection

  • Caliche Sand and Clay: Five Albuquerque Poets

    I spoke with five women from Albuquerque: poets and also―variously―fiction writers, essayists, instructors, activists, artists, parents and caretakers.
    Issue #107 July 2020
  • Reginald Dwayne Betts: On Art, Poetry, the Particular Fucked Up Parts of Incarceration, and the Multitudes of I — Interview by Amanda Newell

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Reginald Dwayne Betts in a conversation that ranged from poetry, race, and erasure to Dunbar, Du Bois and Mos Def. We talked about prison, the language we use to describe it, and what happens when we frame the narrative of incarceration as being singularly “rooted in the experience of black men.”      AN:

    Issue #106 June 2020
  • Ladder, Facts and Rungs—Dancing on the Train Tracks with Fleda Brown Interview by Nancy Mitchell

    NM:  These eight prose poems in “Treatises” speak with the authority of well-documented research and claim the same authority of the self, of the “facts” therein. Is it this authority that allows for shifts from exterior to interior, the acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of each to each? FB: I guess age confers some authority, but honestly, when I wrote these

    Issue #105 May 2020
  • Christopher Salerno interviewed by Nancy Mitchell

    NM:  I’m struck by the shifts of perspective within these featured poems, including human to non-human— in “SPORTS NO ONE FOLLOWS” we see the shift from the them of the bumblebees to the some of us, the distance between collapsed by the image of big as eyeballs; in “DAYLIGHT SAVINGS” We put mud on our faces, got beyond/being human, said

    Issue #104 April 2020
  • 5 Under 35 Plus

    5 under 35 Plus    JN It is with deep honor I introduce the second installment of this feature. Below are twelve startling poems by six exceptional poets. I learned so much not only through their work, but through their insightful answers to the interview questions. In this feature you will find a fabulous array of poetic approaches by poets

    Issue #103 March 2020
  • Engraved Phrases on Open Seas: Poems and Notes on Translations of Khal Torabully

    Engraved Phrases on Open Seas: Poems and Notes on Translations of Khal Torabully By Nancy Naomi Carlson   Few books have had as great an impact on the course of my literary translation career as The Parley Tree: Poets from French-Speaking Africa & the Arab World, edited and translated by Patrick Williamson. This wonderful anthology introduced me to French-language poets

    Issue #102 February 2020
  • On Poetry and the Necessity of Aimless Wandering: An interview with Alan Shapiro by Amanda Newell

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Alan Shapiro for this month’s feature, and we talked about everything from the prose poem and syntax to the necessity of aimless wandering and how humor and grief often coexist in poetry, as they do in life. At this year’s Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) conference, Shapiro will be honored for his

    Issue #101 January 2020
  • Plume Staff Choices

    (…which I really did almost call “Plume Plums”…)
    Issue #100 December 2019
  • The Neural Lyre: An Interview with Richard Kenney by Amy Beeder

    The Neural Lyre: An Interview with Richard Kenney by Amy Beeder Reader, I present to you Richard Kenney’s elegant, sharp and amusing meditations on musical poetry, the audible palette of rhyme, the “Celtic fringe”, and more―   AB: I was first introduced to your work several years ago, by the poet Hailey Leithauser. We were discussing what we felt to

    Issue #99 November 2019
  • Daisy Fried: On Jesus, Uncertainty, Risk, and Imagination. Interview by Amanda Newell

    Daisy Fried: On Jesus, Uncertainty, Risk, and Imagination Interview by Amanda Newell   AN: On social media recently, you said that you’re close to having a new manuscript of poems—or maybe more accurately, that you had written enough new poems for a manuscript. There is a difference! Can you talk about your new work, and what readers can expect from

    Issue #98 October 2019
  • Hailey Leithauser Interviewed by Amy Beeder

    Oh What Worms They Are: An Interview with Hailey Leithauser by Amy Beeder
    Issue #97 September 2019
  • Jim Daniels interviewed by Amanda Newell

    Jim Daniels Interviewed by Amanda Newell   I was delighted to speak with Jim Daniels for this month’s issue about American Patriot, his ongoing collaboration with the photographer Charlee Brodsky—how the project has changed over time, the voices that emerge in the poems, and his love for working across various genres and mediums. AN: The poems we’re featuring this month

    Issue #96 August 2019