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  • Almost an Elegy: For Tony Hoagland

    Your poems make me want to write my poems
  • Three Poems

    These dead again and again
  • Two poems by Silvia Guerra, translated from Spanish by Jesse Lee Kercheval and Jeannine Marie Pitas

    Pray gather me, Anemone
  • Dear American Amnesia

    I know you are only trying to make
  • Mowing     

    I never remember to ask what it is
  • A Convalescent Bed in a Field of Yellow Tulips

    Your wires trail into a gopher hole.
  • Charcoal | Medicine and Magazines

    In my brown leather bag:
  • Before | Ode to Late Autumn, Auvillar

    The American poet died of head trauma
  • The Barricade

    The barricade measures two meters high and twelve meters wide
  • At the perennial exchange

    At the perennial exchange, you will swap half a hosta
  • A Gaze Hound That Hunteth by the Eye

    It’s not criminal: it isn’t sodomy
  • Willem Van de Velde the Younger, Ships in a Gale (1660) and Matsumura Goshun, Crab (late 18th century)

    The storm dissolves the difference between wave,