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  • Two poems by Natalia Toledo, in trilingual translation (Zapotec to Spanish to English)

    Mantis mantis I want to know
  • Soul Mate

    When I was a girl, I had a dirty soul.
  • 36.

    A woman was choked by a metal shackle

    He was a tall man on the edge of the couch
  • Stammer  (2 pp)

    Was I hatched from an egg, fostered by birds

    We never expected this. Shapes
  • Bear and the Crows

    So many in the winter trees they caw
  • Unexceptional

    Except we were in love, or so it seemed.
  • Eclipse

    November’s moon is in eclipse—
  • Just Before Sunset in December

    It must have something to do with the angle of the earth
  • Strychnine Tree

    Stranger under this love-sick tree, lapful of terminal clusters
  • Purge

    The Aryan Jesus, in Hitler’s painting