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    You seemed happy,
  • From Rainer Maria Rilke’s Die Sonette an Orpheus / The Sonnets to Orpheus translated from German by John Rosenwald

    O fountain-mouth, you gift-giver, you mouth
  • Mother of Invention | The Butcher Coat

    Who first fashioned fishnet stocking

    The summer I bought Pet Sounds at G.C. Murphy’s, I hadn’t gone a block from the store when on impulse I smashed
  • Thetis

    We see her through her element, not
  • Cave Milk

    How can it be Tomaz? How is it
  • The Oklahoma Purchase

    William Howard Taft wouldn’t drink before dark.
  • Post-

    Clenching, unclenching her thin white fingers,
  • Exodus and At the Wilderness

    There is a certain safety from predator and love
  • The Dolls’ House Mysteries

    A woman lies so tidily
  • Ars Poetica

    Sometimes I feel
  • The Afterlife

    After life, pelicans glide above a shut- down bridge.