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  • Lion Cub & Whales

    We’d taken to being clever, or is that merely mischievous?
  • The Ant’s Plunder

    When I stuck out my hand to grab the iron door handle, a hidden ant attacked my right
  • The House of Wittgenstein

    He never saw the malls of Petaluma, nor met the amazing cricketeer Montezuma. He never heard a laugh track. We’d
  • One poem from “claus and the scorpion”

    over lara and among the laras that inhabit lara
  • Spectacle | Dear Bathtub | Freeway

    Your eyewear and my eyewear,
  • The Wind Cried Mary  

    In 1967 when Hendrix coaxed, Are you experienced?
  • Sweetness

    Sweetness of fish sauce and tonal voice
  • [I encircle you] translated by Sasha Dugdale

    I encircle you as a zone of mountains, granite corona
  • Fragment

    The past is a point of departure
  • Honor Guard

    Who does this body
  • A Brief Portfolio

    I said goodbye to a friend who left a hole filled
  • January 28 | Basho

    Today it is snowing again and I’m thinking of Borges.