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  • The Birthday Ceremony

    Seventeen rooms of long maroon
  • I hitchhiked through Harrisburg once: night and some light dislocating, | A self beyond herself singed by the stars, fundamentally | Not the violent deaths that follow you around [if you were black] but the slow

    I hitchhiked through Harrisburg once: night and some light dislocating,
  • Two Stages

    The traveler was certainly sleep-logged when he slipped away from his hotel at sunrise
  • Plait

    When I first knotted my hair against the coming of winter, I had grown tired of playing jacks and didn’t yet find boys
  • Rilke 5 Translations

    Almost like on the last day when the dead tear

    My housekeeper had the dishes brought
  • Firing My Father’s Mossberg

    At the shooting range,
  • Spit

    Some progress is anything but.
  • Remembering Lethe

    Yesterday, a friend reached out:
  • Five Poems

    His Dublin sister, two sons,
  • A Lean-to at the End of the Galaxy

    You fire a fiction deep into my brain
  • In Memory

    I remember the night my father died